
What Are Biochemistry Blood Tests? Must Vein Blood?


Blood biochemistry is an important part of clinical biochemistry testing. With the rapid development of science and technology, more and more scientific research results are applied to blood biochemistry tests,

Inconsistent Blood Gas Analysis And Biochemistry Results?


Compared to conventional biochemical devices, blood gas analysis has the advantage of being easy and fast to perform and uses less blood.

9 Effects of Substandard Pure Water On Biochemistry Machines


Different manufacturers of various models of biochemistry analyzers use pure water to meet national requirements. The following is the impact of unqualified pure water on the biochemistry analyzer.

6 Types of Macroenzymes In Biochemical Tests


Some enzymes with relative molecular mass much larger than normal enzyme molecules can sometimes be found in the serum, which are usually called giant enzymes or macroenzymes for short.

5 Types of Light Source: Advantages/Disadvantages-IVD Device


The choice of light source of IVD device is related to cost, lifetime, performance (sensitivity, signal-to-noise ratio, dynamic range, etc.) and other factors. Therefore, it is particularly important to choose the right light source to act as the "eyes" of the in vitro diagnostic instrument!

Microfluidics Makes IVD POCT Devices Smaller


In vitro diagnosis is gradually developing into two levels. The robotic, automated, assembly-line central laboratory and the simple, fast and portable point-of-care testing (POCT).
