How does a biochemistry analyzer test for blood lipids | Medical Diagnosis

release time:2021-09-02 12:03:56

High blood lipids can cause a number of diseases that are harmful to human health. Like atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, pancreatitis and so on. Biochemical analyzers are used clinically to test blood glucose and blood lipids in order to make judgments about some indicators in the body.

Biochemistry is able to test total cholesterol (CHO), triglyceride (TG), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and other items related to blood lipids. The biochemistry analyzer enables an all-round understanding of blood lipid levels with accuracy and credibility.

Principle of biochemical instrument for measuring blood lipids

Biochemistry analyzer is an instrument that measures a specific chemical composition in body fluid according to the photoelectric colorimetric principle. It is mainly for the testing of liver function, kidney function, blood sugar and blood lipids.

Principle of biochemistry analyzer

The monochromator divides the complex light from the light source into monochromatic light, and the monochromatic light of a specific wavelength passes through the colorimetric cell containing the sample solution, and the photoelectric converter converts the transmitted light into an electrical signal and sends it to the signal processing system for analysis.

Spectrophotometry is a method established based on the selective absorption of electromagnetic radiation by substances with different molecular structures. It belongs to molecular absorption spectroscopy analysis. When light passes through a solution, the molecules of the substance under test absorb monochromatic light of a certain wavelength. The intensity of the absorbed light is proportional to the distance through which the light passes.

Portable biochemical analyzers

Biochemical instruments mainly include fully automatic biochemical analyzers and semi-automatic biochemical analyzers. Portable biochemical analyzers have fast detection speed and are priced for use in primary care units. It has a very high share in the market and is the optimal choice for biochemical testing in hospitals.
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