Why are vet hospitals expensive? Answer is here!

release time:2021-09-03 13:49:49

First, the pet hospital is a for-profit institution, operating costs are not low.

An ordinary pet hospital needs at least one blood biochemistry analyzer a blood analyzer, an X-ray machine, ventilator, anesthesia machine, and so on. And some instruments, cheap for humans, but very expensive for animals, such as blood pressure instrument, need 10 to 20,000 yuan. And the price of new technology and the latest medical equipment is even higher.
Seamaty SMT-120 Biochemical Analyzer
Animal-specific medical equipment is basically foreign, moving tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars.

In addition, there are rent, store decoration, hiring staff, utilities expenses and a series of costs need to be borne by the hospital owner. Among them, Veterinary staff is expensive and Drug prices are steep.

Pet hospital medical equipment equipment

The most important thing is that most countries do not have any national government subsidies and health insurance. While people have health insurance, animals do not, so laboratory and labor costs will be more expensive than human doctors.

Veterinarian at work

Second, animals do not speak, the disease caused by pain and some discomfort than people more tolerant.

When pet owners discover the condition, often the pet's disease has been occurring for several days or is even advanced. So veterinary care is often more dependent on laboratory tests than human medical treatment. Because veterinarians need to use medical equipment and tests to exclude some suspicious infections and diseases, in order to understand the physical condition of the animal, and then confirm the diagnosis. The vast majority of regular animal hospitals are based on animal conditions to determine which tests need to be done.

The veterinarian checks the pet

Thirdly, pet ownership is a human being for a better quality of life.

After the improvement of human living standards began to focus on spiritual comfort and want to have companionship. But the quality of life to improve the non-essential personal behavior. Keeping a pet does require certain economic conditions, after all, food, drink and play have to spend money. A bag of cat food 2 kg several hundred dollars, and a cat package more than three hundred. Some people, however, feel that these are not expensive. But why do they feel very expensive once they get to the pet clinic or hospital?

Animal hospitals provide medical services for animals. Compared to businesses that sell cat food and cat packages, there is no difference between pet clinics. It's just that the products they sell are different. This is actually the problem of pet ownership concept.

If you have a pet, you have to be responsible for the animal. Pet owners should consider in advance whether they can afford the costs, as well as provide it with a healthy and happy environment.

Having a pet is indeed expensive, and it will likely be more expensive than you get it. It may be a commodity when you get it for a price, but when you get to the hospital, it is a life in the eyes of the veterinarian. The vet will try to save every life, and this will incur a cost. However, the price may be several times, dozens or even hundreds of times what you paid for it. If the pet owner can't afford the medical costs or doesn't want to, then they should be careful when they first get a pet.
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