How to maintain the dry biochemical analyzer and wet biochemical analyzer?

release time:2021-09-10 10:51:52

A few times ago we shared the principles of dry biochemistry analyzers and wet biochemistry analyzers, and already what are the differences in their structures. So how to maintain the dry biochemistry analyzer and wet biochemistry analyzer?

Maintenance of wet biochemistry analyzer

A. Biochemistry analyzer reagent check

Wet biochemistry analyzers need to check the reagents every time they are used. When the amount of reagent is insufficient, it should be added in time. Moreover, the reagents themselves have an expiration date. The reagents need to be replaced in time if they have been left for too long. However, wet biochemistry analyzers are suitable for high volume testing. The analysis machine tests hundreds or thousands of samples at a time, which is convenient to use in this usage condition.

B. Daily maintenance

As the wet biochemical analyzer contains internal piping system, in order to prevent the occurrence of pipeline blockage, water leakage, air leakage and other phenomena, the daily maintenance work is particularly important.

  • a) Check whether the cleaning solution, distilled water and diluent are sufficient before starting the machine every day.
  • b) Check whether there is water leakage in the piping system.
  • c) Check whether the reagents need to be added, flush the pipeline, and make zero calibration after the machine is turned on.
  • d) When shutting down the machine, flush the pipeline, empty the waste liquid bucket, clean the sample needle and stirrer.
  • e) Periodically flush the piping system, sample needle, stirrer and other parts with special cleaning solution.
  • f) Regularly check the optical path.
  • g) Other maintenance work can be carried out according to the actual work needs. Such as cleaning the air filter, soaking and flushing the piping system with special cleaning solution, replacing the filter in the liquid circuit, replacing the gasket, etc.

If the wet biochemistry analyzer is idle for a long time for some reason, it is better to turn on the machine and flush the piping system 2~3 times a week during the period of placement. This will prevent the line from clogging. Otherwise, it is necessary to repeatedly flush the pipeline with distilled water before placing it in storage. Then drain the water out of the pipeline. After the water in the pipeline is thoroughly dried, it can be boxed and stored.

Maintenance of dry biochemical analyzer

The dry biochemical analyzer does not need to prepare reagents when it is used. Instead, it uses the dry reagent strips already configured by the manufacturer. Since the dry biochemistry analyzer itself does not store reagents and does not do pipeline cleaning, it is simple to use. Therefore, it is much easier and faster to use. By adding the liquid sample to the dry reagent strip, the sample is able to penetrate through the layers of the film and display the corresponding color after the color development reaction. The concentration of the component to be measured in the sample can then be calculated.

The dry biochemistry analyzer has abandoned the piping system. The structure of the instrument is simpler, so its maintenance work is also much easier. Generally speaking, you only need to do regular optical circuit inspection and internal cleaning of the machine as needed.

If the dry biochemistry analyzer is not used for a long time, it needs to be left for a long time. It does not need to turn on and flush as often as the wet biochemistry analyzer. Just need to pay attention to the preservation environment of dust, moisture, high temperature and other conditions on the line.

However, when both machines need to be put into use after a long period of time, quality control tests must be conducted first. Machine quality control is normal before it can be put into use. Abnormal biochemical analyzer must be calibrated. After calibration, the normal quality control can only be used normally.

Seamaty Dry Biochemistry Analyzer

The Seamaty portable (POCT) dry biochemistry instrument is fully automated and has online troubleshooting and network upgrade alert functions. It can help you to keep track of the instrument's operation in real time.

The Seamaty POCT dry biochemistry instrument is low maintenance. There is no liquid circuit, pump valve and other wearing parts inside the instrument. Single-person reagent tray instrument supporting the use of the instrument. No cleaning and no maintenance.
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