4 principles of point of care testing and 7 technical classifications

release time:2021-10-15 15:26:49

Point of care testing has developed rapidly in recent years mainly due to the application of some new technologies. The development of POCT products has gone through roughly the following four stages.

  1. 1. The first generation of qualitative testing: test strips test paper.
  2. 2. The second generation of semi-quantitative: colorimetric swatch card or semi-quantitative instrument reading.
  3. 3. The third generation of full quantitative system: manual operation.
  4. 4. The fourth generation of technology platform: automation, information technology and intelligence.

The basic principles of point of care testing technology can be broadly divided into four categories.

  1. 1. The relevant liquid reagents in the traditional method are infiltrated into the absorbent materials of filter paper and various microporous membranes and integrated into dry reagent blocks. Then they are fixed on rigid type substrates to become various forms of diagnostic reagent strips.
  2. 2.  Miniaturization of conventional analytical instruments and simplification of operation methods. the POCT diagnostic equipment becomes portable and palm-sized.
  3. 3.  Integration of the above two into a unified system.
  4. 4.  Application of biosensing technology, using biosensors to detect the object to be measured.

7 types of point of care testing technology classification

  1. 1. Simple color development: It is based on the principle of direct observation. This is a semi-quantitative analytical method.
  2. 2. Enzyme labeling: It is an immunological reaction.
  3. 3. Immunodiafiltration and immunochromatography: it is an immunological reaction.
  4. 4. Biosensor: It is based on the principle of optical and electrical methods to identify enzymes and antibodies.
  5. 5. electrochemical detection: this utilizes the sensitivity of electronic probes to certain chemical molecules.
  6. 6. spectrophotometric: which utilizes optical absorbance.
  7. 7. Biochip: This utilizes protein interactions.

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