IVD Medical Device: 5 Advantages Of Microfluidics

release time:2022-01-20 16:13:34

Microfluidics (microfluidics) refers to the science and technology involved in systems that use microtubes (tens to hundreds of microns in size) to process or manipulate tiny fluids (nanoliters to liters in volume). Microcontrolled flow is an emerging interdisciplinary discipline involving chemistry, fluid physics, microelectronics, new materials, biology and biomedical engineering. Compared to traditional in vitro diagnostic products, microfluidic devices offer five advantages.

Microfluidics Reagent Trays

1. Integrated miniaturization and automation

Microfluidics enables multiple steps of sample detection to be concentrated on a small chip. These operational steps are integrated through a combination of flow channel size and curvature, microvalve, and lumen design matching. This ultimately miniaturizes and automates the entire assay integration.

2. High throughput

Since microfluidics can be designed as multiple flow channels, the sample to be tested can be simultaneously shunted to multiple reaction units through the microfluidic network. At the same time, the reaction units are isolated from each other so that the individual reactions do not interfere with each other. Therefore, multiple tests can be performed on the same sample in parallel as needed. Compared with conventional item-by-item testing, it greatly reduces the time of testing, improves the efficiency of testing, and has the characteristics of high throughput.

3. Low consumption of detection reagents

The miniaturization of the integrated assay results in a very small reaction unit cavity on the microfluidic chip. Although the concentration of the reagent formulation may be increased by a certain percentage, the amount of reagents used is much lower than conventional reagents, which greatly reduces the consumption of reagents.

4. Low sample volume requirement

Since the test is done on a small chip, the sample volume required to be tested is very small. Often, only microliters or even nanoliters are required. It is also possible to test directly with whole blood, making it easier for infants, the elderly, and people with disabilities who have little blood and have difficulty collecting veins. Or very precious and rare samples, making it possible to test multiple indicators.

5. Less contamination

Due to the integration function of the microfluidic chip, all the operations that originally needed to be done manually in the laboratory are integrated into the chip and done automatically. This minimizes the contamination of the sample to the environment during manual operation. For example, in molecular nucleic acid assays, both the sample itself and the nucleic acid prepared for the assay can contaminate the laboratory. The diffusion of aerosols makes subsequent sample testing prone to false positives. This is why conventional molecular nucleic acid-based assays require at least three separate rooms for different operations. The use of microfluidics solves this problem very well.

The problems of microfluidics are also immature technology, high cost, not found killer applications, etc. But it can be expected that these problems will be gradually solved with the technical progress in all aspects and the improvement of social support facilities. Microfluidics integrated small automation, high throughput, low consumption of detection reagents, less sample volume requirements, less pollution of their own advantages will become the mainstream of market demand.

Seamaty POCT chemistry analyzer uses a reagent tray with microfluidic technology. This reagent tray collects less blood, with a spiked volume of only 100ul, and supports whole blood, plasma or serum, helping you solve the problem of difficult blood collection for children and the elderly. From the time you put in the sample to the time you read the report, the test results are ready in 12 minutes, greatly reducing the waiting time for patients

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