Accuracy of Blood Cell Analyzer: How the Physiological State, Analyzer and Reagents Affect

release time:2022-07-22 10:23:18

1. Physiological state

In addition to many pathological conditions that can cause changes in blood cell counts, many physiological states can also cause changes in various parameters. For example, the total number of white blood cells in pregnant women and newborns is significantly increased. Heat and cold often cause a transient increase in total leukocyte count. In heavy smokers, the hemoglobin level can increase significantly due to increased carbon monoxide in the blood. The total number of leukocytes also varies at different times of the day.

How the Physiological State, Analyzer and Reagents Affect.jpg

2. The influence of the instrument

Blood cell analyzer has high environmental requirements. The instrument should be far away from radiation, nuclear magnetic, radiotherapy gas pedal and other large medical equipment section to prevent the interference of electrical signals. If the voltage in the laboratory is unstable, a voltage regulator should be installed. This will prevent the instrument from generating a lot of electrical noise that interferes with the platelet count results.

The aspiration needle, liquid tubing and counting cell should be thoroughly cleaned regularly with enzyme cleaner or 5% sodium hypochlorite. This is to prevent protein buildup. If there is protein buildup around the counting cell, it can affect the cell volume measurement and cause an increase in MCV. If the hemoglobin colorimetric pool is dirty, it can affect the hemoglobin quantitative results.

3. Hematology analyzer reagent factors

There are some hematocrit analyzer manufacturers can produce hematocrit analyzer with leukocyte classification function. But most manufacturers require the use of its supporting diluent and hemolysis agent. Even the cleaning agent also has certain requirements.

However, if you switch to other manufacturers' reagents or use your own prepared reagents, although there will be no significant effect on the count of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets, the effect on the determination of white blood cell sorting count and cell volume will be significant. Some of them also affect the determination of hemoglobin, making several blood cell analysis indicators inaccurate. For example, MCV, HCT, HGB, MCH, MCHC, RDW, MPV, PVT, PDW and their abnormal warning indications.

This is because the vast majority of hematology analyzers use the resistance method for cell counting and volume determination. The principle of the hematocrit analyzer is based on data derived from the size of the pulses generated by the cells in the test system compared to a threshold value set by the instrument. The pulse size is related to the type of hemolysate, the osmotic pressure of the diluent, the ionic strength, the conductivity, the pore voltage fixed at the factory of the instrument and the gain rate of the pulse, in addition to the cell volume.

Therefore, in order to get accurate results, the matching reagents of the original instrument should be used in principle. If self-matched reagents are used for testing, by verification, the data results obtained must be consistent with the results obtained with the original reagents, and the graphs of various cell volume distributions must also be identical.

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