Why the Vets and Pets Need a Blood Chemistry Analyzer?

release time:2022-08-09 09:50:49

A blood chemistry analyzer allows vets to see various markers and increase harmful chemicals in animal blood. Every vet needs to diagnose the chemical composition of animal blood for accurate diagnosis and prescription.

If your patients have to go to another location every time they come to you, it will be very painful for severely ill pets. But erecting a sophisticated laboratory with the latest technology can cost you thousands of dollars.

SMT-120VP is a fully automatic machine that helps vets diagnose various common and uncommon diseases through 24 different sets of tests.

Anyone can use this fully automatic machine after only 5-minute training. It helps vets come up with accurate and precise diagnoses to provide comfort and medication to the ailing pet.

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Why do you need a blood chemistry analyzer?

Reason number 1

The first reason is that it helps vets develop an accurate pet diagnosis. Various health conditions do not show signs or symptoms unless most of the damage has been caused.

The blood chemistry analyzer helps the vets identify the increase or decrease of different chemicals and abnormalities. These markers and abnormalities also allow vets to see the potential vital organ damage.

Reason number 2

It also helps vets and pet parents to have a routine blood examination that shows accurate pet health. It allows vets to instruct any change in a pet's diet or physical activities to keep the animal happy and healthy.
You can also help your pet have longevity and enhanced quality of life with routine checkups and blood examinations.

Reason number 3

Some pet parents prefer bi-annual complete examinations while others go for the annual trip. According to the vets, more than two routine examinations a year help your pets stay fit and away from various diseases.

The routine checkup will also help vets see the increase in health condition if your vet has recovered from a disease or medical condition.

Reason number 4

When you have a senior pet, immunity and health are more vulnerable. A blood chemistry analyzer and regular vet visits allow the vets to see the real-time change in health.

Some genetic diseases remain inactive for longer and destroy the quality of life of the poor pet when they come into action. The blood analyzer also helps identify the early signals and allows diagnosis with the proper medication.

When is blood analysis necessary?

Blood chemistry analysis is not expensive, but pet parents usually avoid it because of their beloved pet's pain and blood loss. The SMT-120VP is a modern miracle of the state of the art technology.

It requires only a minor amount of blood and gives the vets precise and accurate information on all the markers and chemicals in the blood.

Blood analysis is necessary for pets when they are not behaving normally. To understand the abnormal behavior, you need to read the following information:

Elevated body temperature

When you return home with your pet from a long walk or a trip to the pet park, the pet will have a high body temperature. It is entirely normal, and you don't have to worry about it.

You must avoid giving cold water and shower the pet immediately because it will result in severe medical conditions.

But when you see your pet having an elevated body temperature for some hours or a complete day, this is the thing you should worry about. Fever itself is not a disease; instead, it is a symptom that the pet suffers from some infection.

This could range from an ear infection, minor wound infection, or severe infection inside the body. You shouldn't take chances and rush to the vet for a complete blood test.

Prolonged Lethargy

Pets get tired sometimes and avoid all kinds of physical activities for a couple of hours. But they will not let you sit in peace when they regain their strength.

Some pets do not enjoy all-time fun, but still, you will see some agility in them. If your pet has been showing lethargic behavior for more than a day, this is a sign of damage. According to the vet, it is a call for a blood test.

Withdrawal from food for 24 hours

Some pets skip a meal or two to keep their stomach happy and healthy. If your pet has eaten breakfast or lunch, there is no big deal. But if your pet has avoided food for almost 24 hours now, you should worry about this.

Pets don't usually go on fasting, but when they do, there is some serious issue in their body. Take your pet to the vet and have their blood analyzed.

Changed skin color

If your pet has double-coat fur and long hair, you might not be able to see the change in their skin tone. But you can see the change in their blood chemistry from their eyes.

Their eyes will change color in case of severe disease. You can always tell the difference in the color of their eyes and identify abnormal apart. When you see such abnormality, this is the moment of truth for a blood test.

Gastrointestinal issue

If the pet is having vomiting, diarrhea, or bloating for more than a day, it is because of severe gastrointestinal issues. When pets have a digestive problem, they usually stop eating food.

If your pet is suffering from vomiting or diarrhea, giving them food will result badly. Consult your vet for the diet in such a situation; if things remain the same, only a blood test can identify the issue.


Separation anxiety and depression can also be the reason for sudden aggression. But when everything is the same, and suddenly out of nowhere, your pet becomes aggressive because of some pain or disease.

Pets cannot communicate and share their pain with us; vets need a blood chemistry analyzer for accurate diagnosis and precise medication.

Final thoughts

The blood chemistry analyzer helps the vet diagnose the pet's current disease and medical issues. But this fully automated machine also helps them see any vital organ damage or potential failure.

It helps in accurate diagnosis, precise medication, and cure of some fatal diseases as well. You can also look for the markers and early signs of tumors and severe diseases.

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