13 Point-of-Care Testing Examples

release time:2022-09-01 16:59:39

The development of POCT is driven by the rising demand for clinical testing. Although traditional testing methods can meet the requirements of clinical testing in terms of test specimen volume, automated operation, accuracy of results, performance stability, etc.. However, they are unable to meet the requirements in terms of portability, testing speed, and complexity of the testing process. In the family health management and primary care institutions testing, large medical testing equipment is difficult to spread. We took the hospital market as an example and sorted out the demand for POCT products in some hospital departments.

13 Point-of-Care Testing Examples

Cardiovascular Medicine  
POCT can be used for the detection of cardiac injury markers (including: myoglobin measurement, cardiac troponin measurement), cardiac enzymes (creatine kinase-MB measurement), and the diagnosis of congestive heart failure (plasma B-type natriuretic peptide measurement.) POCT is important for the early diagnosis of myocardial infarction and heart failure.
Respiratory Medicine
The Point of Care (POC) device can perform arterial blood gas analysis (including: arterial blood pH, arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide, arterial partial pressure of oxygen, actual and standard plasma bicarbonate, total arterial carbon dioxide, buffered total bases, residual bases, arterial oxygen saturation, lactate). determination, and respiratory syncytial virus antigen determination. Rapid assays are also available for SARS and Avian Influenza A viruses.
The POCT device can be used for liver function tests (including serum enzymology, serum total protein, clear protein, serum total bilirubin, and ammonia), pancreatic exocrine function tests (amylase), and fecal occult blood tests (including fecal occult blood test and fecal transferrin test).

The Point of Care (POC) Device can be used for hemoglobin quantification, erythrocyte sedimentation rate measurement, hematocrit, infectious mononucleosis measurement, and anti-human globulin measurement. A simple POCT can also be used to initially determine whether a patient needs timely blood transfusion therapy.


1) Point-of-care testing can be used for examination of glucose metabolism disorders: fasting blood glucose test, oral glucose tolerance test, glycosylated hemoglobin determination, β-hydroxybutyric acid determination, lactate determination), and examination of dyslipidemia (specifically: total cholesterol determination, triacylglycerol determination, high-density lipoprotein, low-density lipoprotein determination.

2) blood electrolyte examination: potassium determination, sodium determination, chloride determination, calcium determination, total carbon dioxide determination, anion gap).

3) thyroid function measurements: thyroid stimulating hormone, tetraiodothyronine, free T4, triiodothyronine, free T3 measurements)

4) Pituitary hormone measurement (specifically: follicle stimulating hormone measurement, luteinizing hormone measurement), human chorionic gonadotropin detection.

Infection Medicine

1) Bacterial infection tests: rapid C-reactive protein assay, calcitoninogen assay, Mycobacterium tuberculosis assay, Helicobacter pylori assay, Legionella pneumophila assay, group A streptococcus assay, Staphylococcus aureus assay, Vibrio cholerae assay, Candida albicans assay, bacterial meningitis antigen assay.

2) viral infection testing: human cytomegalovirus antibody assay, rubella virus antibody assay, herpes simplex virus I-2 antibody assay, human rotavirus antigen assay, adenovirus antigen assay, dengue fever virus antibody assay.

3) parasitic infection detection: specifically including: Toxoplasma gondii antibody detection, Plasmodium falciparum detection.

4) viral hepatitis infection detection: hepatitis A virus, hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus.

5) Diagnosis of sexually transmitted diseases: syphilis determination, HIV, bacterial vaginosis, etc.

Medical Oncology  

Point-of-Care Testing can diagnose a variety of tumor markers. For example: methemoglobin assay, carcinoembryonic antigen assay, prostate antigen assay, glycoantigen 123 assay, glycoantigen 19-9 assay, nuclear matrix protein 22 assay.

1) Routine urinalysis: urine pathology, urine chemistry.

2) Glomerular filtration function tests: blood creatinine assay, blood urea assay, blood uric acid assay.

3) renal tubular function test: determination of urine osmolality.

4) early kidney injury detection: urine microclear protein determination.

Obstetrics and gynecology  

POCT can be used for TORCH-IgM five-item test, anti-ovarian antibody test, anti-hyaline antibody test, anti-endometrial antibody test, anti-β-HCG gold standard early pregnancy test.


Children are seen differently than adults. In addition to fast and reliable results, POCT allows parents to be with their children at all times, so that they can keep track of their child's condition, communicate better with their health care provider, and gain confidence in their ability to cure the disease.
Allergic disease testing: allergen testing, serum total IgE measurement, serum specific IgE measurement, food intolerance testing;

Autoimmune disease testing: rheumatoid factor test, anti-double-stranded DNA antibody test, anti-extractable nuclear antigen antibody test, anti-deoxyribonucleoprotein antibody test, anti-nuclear antibody test.
General Surgery
Routine coagulation parameters such as PT, APTT, Fib, INR, platelet function, and D-dimer can all be measured using the POCT device. This can save time for emergency surgery patients.


Pre-admission management of emergency patients is related to the resuscitation and recovery of patients.  Emergency physicians need to evaluate and reevaluate patients urgently to determine appropriate treatment measures or triage. Unlike other departments, the concept of time in emergency medicine is extremely important. Emergency medicine has strict requirements on the timing of treatment, and early recognition and early intervention are crucial to improve the quality of patient recovery and reduce the rate of death and disability.
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