3-Part VS 5-Part Hematology Analyzer-CBC Machine

release time:2022-09-18 17:11:51

Hematology analyzers, also known as cbc machines, are mainly divided into fully automatic and semi-automatic instruments on the market today.The difference between 3-Part and 5-Part Hematology Analyzer?

1. the difference between the instrument detection principle

3-Part hematology analyzer mostly uses electrical impedance detection technology. It consists of signal generator, amplifier, screener, threshold regulator, detection counting system and automatic compensation device. 5-Part hematology analyzer mostly uses light scattering detection technology.

5-Part hematology analyzer mainly consists of the following parts.
Laser source: Mostly argon ion lasers are used to provide monochromatic light.
Detection zone: mainly consists of a device in the form of a sheath flow. This is to ensure that the cell suspension forms a single arrangement of cell streams in the detection fluid stream.

Detector: The scattered light detector is a photodiode that collects the scattered light signal generated by the laser irradiating the cells. Fluorescence detector is a photomultiplier tube, used to receive the fluorescence signal generated by the cells after laser irradiation fluorescent staining.

3-Part Auto Hematology Analyzer

2. Differences in leukocyte classification methods
3-Part hematology analyzer classifies leukocytes into lymphocytes, monocytes, and granulocytes. 3-Part hematology analyzer classifies leukocytes into lymphocytes, monocytes, and granulocytes (neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils).

3. The difference of applicable customers

3-Part hematology analyzer is mainly used in small hospitals, clinics and community service centers. The price is relatively much cheaper. 5-Part hematology analyzer is mainly used in large hospitals. The price and reagents are more expensive.

5-Part Auto Hematology Analyzer

With the current needs of clinical testing, a variety of cbc machines continue to emerge. In the price, operation methods, test results on the two cbc machine are slightly different. But these analyzers are not good or bad, the main thing is to choose the right one for you. Customers can choose to buy 3-Part or 5-Part Hematology Analyzer according to the amount of clinical testing samples and testing standards.

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