China Innovative Medical Device - Chemiluminescent Immunoassay Analyzer SMT680

release time:2022-09-27 15:39:30

Over the years, Seamaty has built four technology platforms: immunology, biochemistry, blood gas, and molecular diagnostics, and has developed an extensive product line in the areas of liver disease, kidney disease, diabetes, pancreas, cardiovascular disease, cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, inflammation, tumor markers, thyroid disease, and infectious disease. These medical devices are widely used in primary care, emergency rescue, dental medical aesthetics and veterinary in vitro diagnostic scenarios.
Seamaty Product Line
Among the many products, our newly developed chemiluminescent immunoassay analyzers are the most anticipated. For example, the fully automated chemiluminescent immunoassay analyzer SMT680.

SMT680 automatic chemiluminescence immunoassay analyzer is the world's first immunoassay analyzer with fully automatic capillary chemiluminescence detection system developed by Seamaty R&D department after years of hard work. Currently, no similar technology products are available on the market, and no product technology patents have been inquired. The technology platform is also recognized as an innovative medical device by the Chinese State Drug Administration.
Chemiluminescent Immunoassay Analyzer SMT680.jpg

The technology platform integrates the three core technologies of glass capillary coating, micro-antigen antibody labeling and chemiluminescence detection. The capillary tube with 0.7mm inner diameter, 1.2mm outer diameter and 25mm length is the highlight of the platform. The capillary tube is coated with the participating antigen or antibody and is the "reaction chamber" of the whole reaction system. At the same time, it is the device that controls the precise addition of the sample. At the same time, the capillary uses a tree-structured amination iteration technique for the amination process.

The amino groups available for antibody attachment in the capillary are multiplied to ensure that there are enough antibodies in the capillary for the reaction. The number of amino groups available for antibody attachment within the capillary is multiplied. This ensures that there are enough antibodies in the capillary to carry out the reaction. Both the sensitivity of the assay is improved and the signal value is enhanced. This ensures that stable results can be obtained even with very small blood samples. The application of this technology can achieve the perfect combination of the high throughput and accuracy of large chemiluminescence and the low cost, maintenance-free, and convenient ease of use of POCT.

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