Manual Blood Cell Counting Vs Automated Hematology Analyzer

release time:2022-10-10 14:08:30

Blood consists of two major parts: the fluid and the tangible cells. The blood test (hematology test) is a test of the cellular part of the blood. Blood has three different functions of cells - red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Diseases can be determined by observing changes in number and morphological distribution. Blood tests are one of the common auxiliary tests used by doctors to diagnose medical conditions.
History of hematology analyzer.jpg
Since the inception of blood tests, they were first performed using manual methods to count the cells in the blood. However, the random error of the manual counting operation process. And the systematic error of the experimental equipment and the inherent error of the test method itself. Counting is not only time-consuming and laborious, but also the precision and accuracy of the experimental results are not good.

Later there is a special instrument to count blood cells. It is the hematocrit analyzer.

With the development of medical technology. The level of measurement of hematology analyzer has been improving. The parameters that can be measured by the instrument are also increasing. Currently the most common is the 5-Part hematology analyzer. It is capable of counting neutrophils, monocytes, eosinophils, basophils, and lymphocytes.

Also blood testing instruments are becoming faster and more efficient. This provides more useful diagnostic data for the clinic.

In conclusion, traditional manual blood cell counting is not only demanding for physicians, but also has low work efficiency and poor testing accuracy. And there are fewer blood parameters to analyze. However, with automatic hematology analyzers, the efficiency of physicians has increased, the accuracy of blood test results has improved, and the number of blood parameters tested has increased. All these bring more economic benefits to the hospital.

The Seamaty 5-Part Auto Hematology Analyzer SMT-50 can test 60 samples per hour.The distinctive technology of laser scattering makes the analyzer simpler and more The analyzer adopts integrative, high precision and long-life injector module and stable maintenance-free sampling module. SMT-50 has Reportable Parameters (25 items).

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