Why is Blood Gas Analysis Needed?

release time:2022-10-13 16:51:56

Why is blood gas analysis needed?

Critically ill patients suffer from disturbances in the internal environment of the body. It is often accompanied by multiple organ dysfunction, especially pulmonary and renal dysfunction. This is very likely to be complicated by arterial blood gas abnormalities and acid-base balance disorders. Severe disorders of acid-base balance may in turn affect the function of vital organs. Sometimes it is the direct cause of death of the patient. Therefore, timely and correct recognition and management is often one of the key factors in saving the patient.

What is the use of blood gas analysis?

1. essential indicator to evaluate the patient's respiratory, oxidative and acid-base balance status (fast and accurate)

2. One of the indicators to detect serious respiratory and pulmonary diseases (asthma, respiratory failure)

3. To provide the basis for oxygenation or assisted breathing (ventilator).

4. To detect acid-base balance in the body (heart failure, kidney failure, severe diabetes, severe infection, alcoholism).

Vet Blood Gas & Immunoassay Analyzer

The clinical significance of blood gas analysis

1. Essential indicator to evaluate the patient's respiratory, oxidative and acid-base balance status (fast and accurate).

2. One of the indicators to detect serious respiratory and pulmonary diseases (asthma, expiration).

3. To provide the basis for oxygenation or assisted breathing (ventilator).

4. To detect acid-base balance in the body (heart failure, kidney failure, severe diabetes, severe infection, alcoholism).

The difference between wet blood gas analyzer and dry blood gas analyzer

The biggest advantage of the wet blood gas analyzer is that it can process samples in bulk. The cost of testing is lower. However, the disadvantage is that the machine is large and not easy to move. In addition, since wet blood gas analyzers have an internal liquid circuit, the liquid circuit can become clogged. Maintenance has to be performed frequently and the electrodes have to be replaced regularly. And the cost of electrodes is high.

The biggest advantage of the dry blood gas analyzer is that the machine is maintenance free. Since the electrodes are in each test card. Thus, there is no need to change electrodes. Generally dry blood gas analyzers are more compact and portable. This type of blood gas analyzer really achieves timely detection. Its biggest drawback is the high cost of testing.

Wet and dry blood gases have their own advantages and disadvantages. For some hospitals with a small number of samples using dry blood gas is undoubtedly the best choice. At the same time, some departments that require immediate blood gas analysis (e.g., anesthesiology, operating rooms) need a portable bedside blood gas analyzer.
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