
Technical principles of Hematology Analyzer tests


In a conventional hematology meter, red blood cells (RBC) and platelets (PLT) share a single measurement channel. The determination of hemoglobin content (HGB) is the same in any type and grade of hematology analyzer.

Hematology Analyzer History | Principle -CBC Machine-Seamaty


Hematology Analyzer, also known as Blood Cell Analyzer or Blood Cell Counter, is mainly used for testing blood specimens. This instrument can qualitatively and quantitatively analyze the blood components and provide relevant information.

IVD Definition, Classification, Product Supply Chain, Market


In vitro diagnostics can be divided into clinical laboratory in vitro diagnostics and Point Of CareTesting (POCT). POCT can be operated on site by non-test professionals, and the results are generally available within 15 minutes, which is fast.

IVD: Which is the First for Molecular Diagnostic Technology?


This article focuses on molecular diagnostics, a segment of in vitro diagnostics. Molecular diagnostics is the fastest growing in vitro diagnostic field in recent years, and is expected to maintain a high growth rate of 30-50% in the next 3-5 years.

The Truth About Blood Testing: the Journey of Blood Samples


What tests correspond to the blood collection tubes of different colors? Is there any difference between venous blood collection and finger blood collection? Why must I be hungry for blood tests?

3 Questions About Blood Analysis and Urinalysis


Nowadays, blood and urine analyzers are reporting more and more parameters, from 8 items to more than 40. There are also more and more test channels and methodologies. But the more items there are, the more confused clinicians and even testers are,
