
Microfluidic Devices: Microfluidic Diagnostics in Developing Countries


Point-of-care diagnostics allow patients to undergo medical testing in the field, significantly reducing diagnostic time and thus accelerating medical decisions. Microfluidic technology has played a very important role in the rapid development of POCT devices.

POCT Devices Bring Point-of-Care Testing to Consumers at The Bedside


Point-of-care (POCT) benefits are gradually being seen by all. New technologies are expanding the use of POCT devices into the home. And the new generation of medical diagnostic equipment offers greater accuracy, reliability and speed.

Reasons to Automate Large Medical Equipment - 3 Advantages


Medical equipment is now incorporating a variety of new technologies, and medical equipment is gradually becoming more and more automated and integrated

Growth and Direction of In Vitro Diagnostics (IVD) Market


According to statistics, global in vitro diagnostics is growing at a rate of 4.4% to 5.7% per year. The in vitro diagnostics market is predicted to exceed $87 billion by 2024.

Strengths and Weaknesses of Medical Device Data


What are the potential benefits of medical device data? Medical device data largely improves patient care, leading to better health

4 Main Challenges of POCT Machine Development


Point-of-care testing has played a huge role in the medical industry in recent years, and the higher demand for POCT machines and the broader market space suggest that POCT will see more rapid and steady growth in the future. However, there are still challenges on the road to POCT machine development. The following is a summary of some of the challenges encountered on the road to POCT machine development.
