
Blood Tests: Why do They Take Multiple Tubes of Blood?


Regular blood tests are one of the most important ways to track your overall health. Getting tested regularly allows you to understand the way your body changes over time and allows you to make informed decisions about your health. But why does a blood test require several tubes of blood to be drawn?

Clinical significance of biochemical indicators of liver damage in cats


The liver, located at the diaphragm, is one of the most important organs in the abdominal cavity. It plays a vital role in maintaining the normal functioning and metabolism of the body, such as 1. aiding digestion (metabolism of fats) 2. synthesis of proteins and hormones.

How do I prepare my pet for neutering?


Spaying or neutering is a great way for any family pet to ensure that it stays healthy. If you have a pet that needs to be spayed or neutered, there are a few things you should know about how to prepare for the surgery and what to expect afterwards.

Vet Biochemical Tests: Diagnosis and Treatment of Vet Hyperlipidemia


Hyperlipidemia is a metabolic disorder in which the level of lipids in the blood is elevated. This disease is commonly seen in obese dogs and cats. It is characterized clinically by its hepatic fatty infiltration, elevated lipids, and abnormal blood appearance.

Vet Chemistry Analyzer: Testing 8 Feline Inflammation items


'8 Feline Inflammation' is a reagent disk developed and produced by Seamaty for disease diagnosis in cats. The disc is used in conjunction with the Seamaty Vet Chemistry Analyzer SMT-120VP.

4 Key Points For Buying a Vet Biochemistry Analyzer


Biochemistry analyzer, one of the most commonly used instruments in the daily work of veterinary hospitals, how to choose a biochemistry instrument and what are the key factors to consider?We take Seamaty's star product SMT-120VP automatic biochemical analyzer as an example, and talk with you about the key to choosing a veterinary biochemistry instrument.
