
5 Benefits and 4 Quality Control Issues of POCT


POCT is a specific test for each patient with different diseases. It meets the needs of patients in a timely manner and reduces unnecessary waste. The examiner can communicate with the patient face-to-face and have a better understanding of the clinical situation.

Dry Chemistry Analyzer: Liver, Kidney, Blood Glucose, Lipid Testing


Biochemistry analyzers are mainly used to determine various chemical components in human serum. For example, liver, kidney, cardiac enzymes, blood glucose, blood lipids, ions, etc. Biochemical tests are common tests in hospitals. Chemistry analyzers can be divided into wet chemistry analyzers and dry chemistry analyzers.

Dry Chemistry Testing Principle - Accurate, Simple and Fast


Dry chemistry analytical techniques are relative to wet chemistry techniques. Dry chemistry is the direct addition of a liquid test sample to a dry reagent produced specifically for a different project. The moisture of the sample under test is used as a solvent to cause a specific chemical reaction, which leads to a chemical analysis method. Dry chemistry is a class of analytical methods based on enzymatic methods. Dry chemistry can also be called solid phase chemistry. Dry chemistry uses reflectance photometry or differential electrode method as a measurement method.

The main production process of chemiluminescence reagents


In the previous article, we shared the production process of biochemical reagents. Today, let's understand the main production process of chemiluminescent reagents (taking chemiluminescent enzyme immunoassay with microplate carrier as an example).

How Are Biochemical Reagents Produced?


Biochemical reagents have certain requirements on their purity and technology according to their applications. For example, enzyme reagents include crude enzymes, crystalline enzymes, multiple crystalline enzymes and enzyme preparations without certain miscellaneous enzymes.

Who must have biochemical tests? What do I need to prepare before testing?


As we all know, biochemical tests are one of the common items for both general physical examinations and hospitalization. But what is biochemical test? Who should have biochemical test? What are the items included in the biochemical test? What should we pay attention to before doing it? Today, we will give you a clear explanation in one article!
