
Why do pets need to have Heartworm antigen test, FeLV/FIV test, Fecal exam, X-ray?


In the previous article we learned why animals need to do Physical exam, Blood test and Thyroid panel, what is the use of doing these tests? In addition to these tests, the Heartworm antigen test, FeLV/FIV test, Fecal exam, and X-ray are also necessary for the veterinarian to better understand the physical condition of the pet. So what is the purpose of these tests?

Physical exam for pets, Blood test and Thyroid panel | Pet Diagnosis


What do you need to check for pet health check? What do these exams do? The next three articles share information about the Physical exam, Blood test, Complete blood count /CBC, Thyroid panel, Heartworm antigen test, FeLV/FIV test, Fecal exam, Urinalysis, and the Pet Health Check. X-ray, skin examination, major eye examination, Ear cytology, Fine needle aspiration Fine needle aspiration.

9 test ranges for veterinary biochemistry analyzers | Animal Diagnosis


Biochemical tests, like blood tests, are used to check your pet's health. However, it is different from blood tests. Blood tests can only check red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. The veterinary biochemistry analyzer can test a much wider range. Here are 9 common ranges of veterinary biochemistry analyzers.

Diabetes 9 items reagent tray | Diagnosis of diabetes in animals case


As the standard of living improves, the number of dogs and cats with obesity and advanced age is increasing. Diabetes has also become the number one chronic disease plaguing pets. Some data show that about 1 in 100 dogs have the worry of diabetes. And the worrying thing is: this number is still on the rise.

What can be measured by dry biochemical analyzer?


With the popularity of the application of dry biochemistry analyzer, it can test more and more items. Here is an example of the Seamaty Automatic Dry Chemistry Analyzer SD1. Let's see what items it can test.

What are the POCT machines | Point of Care Machine


On the contrary, the most important feature of POCT machine is "small, fast and non-professional operation". Theoretically, all kinds of blood markers can be detected. However, the most common ones are blood glucose, blood gas, blood coagulation, infectious diseases (viral and bacterial), liver function, kidney function, pregnancy test, urine test, cardiac markers, tumor markers, etc.
