
POCT Equipment of Portable Biochemical Analyzer


We can simply understand POCT equipment as a new type of convenient medical equipment for examination. Its biggest characteristic is "small, fast, non-professional operation". It can be convenient for patients and reduce the time for patients to confirm the diagnosis. At the same time, POCT equipment has the function of continuous use to monitor the condition. For example, heart disease patients can quickly understand and control their condition by testing at certain intervals.

6 Proper Blood Collection Methods | Use of Biochemistry Analyzers


1. The blood sample should be transferred into the anticoagulation tube as soon as possible after collection and inverted up and down 3-5 times. This is to ensure that the sample and anticoagulant are well mixed. 2. Whole blood must be analyzed or converted to plasma and serum within 30 minutes of collection. If the test is performed after the sample has been out of the body for a longer period of time, the accuracy of the test results may be affected.

The impact of blood sample pretreatment on automatic biochemistry analyzers


Speaking of biochemical testing, for enzyme student chemistry testing, electrolytes and other hemolysis, lipidemia, jaundice samples are of great impact. Therefore, in the use of fully automated biochemical analyzers, the pre-treatment of blood samples is essential both from the test results and testing efficiency.

Impact of Blood Sample Pretreatment on Chemiluminescent Immunoassay Analyzers


Blood is the most common sample used in medical testing, as it is the most readily available and effective sample for monitoring body conditions. Many fully automated analyzers have been developed based on blood sample testing. Such as chemiluminescent immunoassay analyzers, fully automated biochemical analyzers, etc. Blood samples on the machine before the processing of good or bad has a vital role in the detection of results.

Why do biochemistry analyzers and glucose meters give inconsistent glucose results?


Blood glucose control is the key to the treatment of diabetes, and the POCT blood glucose meter is a commonly used instrument for measuring blood glucose in diabetic patients. It can accurately and quickly determine the blood glucose concentration of patients and provide timely guidance for clinicians in the use of medication. However, in the clinical examination, the measurement results of portable blood glucose meter often do not match with the laboratory results.

Automatic biochemistry and blood glucose meter to test blood glucose


Blood glucose meter to detect blood sugar is a simple, convenient and fast detection method, which is becoming more and more popular. However, some people find that the blood glucose test is different from that of automatic biochemistry for the same condition and the same patient when they use home blood glucose meter. So, what is the difference between home blood glucose meter and fully automatic biochemical meter when testing blood glucose?
