Comparison of Semi-auto, Auto and Dry Biochemistry Machine | Chemistry Analyzer

release time:2022-10-11 13:17:00

Semi-automatic biochemistry machine

Semi-automatic biochemistry analyzer means that some of the operations (such as sample addition, holding, colorimetric inhalation, result recording, etc.) are done manually during the analysis process. The other part of the operation can be done automatically by the instrument.
Semi-automatic biochemistry machine
The semi-automatic biochemistry machine is characterized by its small size, simple structure and high flexibility. Semi-automatic biochemistry machines can be used separately or in combination with other instruments. Moreover, biochemistry machines are cheaper.

Advantages and disadvantages of semi-automatic biochemistry machine

The semi-automatic biochemistry machine can directly calculate the content of the measured items, eliminating the need for manual operation. Moreover, this analyzer can monitor the change of absorbance of the measured substance in real time. However, the semi-automatic biochemistry machine requires manual addition of blood samples, and in some cases, incubation of the specimens outside the machine. Compared to the automatic incubation of specimens, the semi-automatic analyzer has a higher error rate.

Fully automated biochemistry analyzers

With a fully automated biochemistry analyzer, the entire process, from sample addition to result generation, is done automatically. The operator only needs to place the sample in a specific position on the biochemistry machine and select the program to start the instrument and wait for the test report. 

Compared with semi-automatic biochemistry machines, many of the operational processes are done automatically by the machine, reducing manual errors, and the automatic biochemistry machine has greatly improved the accuracy of test results and testing efficiency. However, automatic biochemistry machines are also more expensive.

Since Technicon successfully produced the world's first fully automated biochemistry analyzer in 1957, various models and functions of fully automated biochemistry analyzers have been emerging. This was a very important step towards the automation of clinical biochemical tests in hospitals. 

The current mainstream discrete automatic biochemistry analyzers can be programmed in the same way as manual operation. And a rhythmic mechanical operation is used instead of manual. Each link is connected with transfer belt and operated sequentially. The biggest advantage of this instrument is its speed, low cross-contamination and many test items.

Dry chemistry analyzer

Wet chemistry is an ordinary chemical reaction. It is a chemical reaction that occurs when liquid reagents and samples are added to the reaction vessel and mixed. Dry chemistry is the opposite. Dry chemistry uses a solid phase reagent technique with multilayer films. The liquid sample is simply added directly to a reagent carrier that has been solidified in a special structure, i.e., dry chemistry. The water in the sample is used as a solvent to dissolve the reagents cured in the carrier and then chemically react with the components to be measured in the sample. Thus, the analytical determination is performed.

Dry chemistry analyzers were introduced in the 1980s. First Eastman Kodak Corporation, with its superb chemical process, created dry reagent tablets for the determination of blood glucose, urea, protein, cholesterol, etc. in serum. When a quantitative amount of serum was added, a color reaction was generated in front of the dry tablet and quantified by reflectance photometry. This type of method completely removes the liquid reagents, so it is called dry chemical method. 

Dry biochemical analyzer, because of its rapid test, simple operation and accurate results, can be used for biochemical testing in a variety of settings. These biochemistry machines are generally used for POCT. the instruments are small in size and can produce blood test reports in ten minutes. They are widely used in small hospitals, outpatient and emergency departments of large and medium-sized hospitals, medical examination centers, community, rural and other primary health care institutions.

Above is the comparison about semi-automatic biochemistry machine, automatic biochemistry machine and dry chemistry analyzer.

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